Konig Stories

These stories are listed in alphabetical order. If you find a broken link, please message me on Discord @californicationist. If you want to go back to the homepage, just click the cat.

Ground & Pound

Deep into the compound, Konig stayed on the heels of his pretty little corporal. Finding the paracord in his vest pocket, he pulled out a long spool and clutched it in his fist. He just needed time to explain. She needed to hear him out. She’d understand why he couldn’t let her be hurt. She was too precious. Too important. He’d make her see the truth, one way or another.


On the hunt for Vladimir Makarov, Konig takes out an Ultranationalist compound. But, when he loots the building, there's a hot girl with memory loss trapped in a box. His savior complex kicks in, and she takes over his entire world. Will she survive him? Will he survive her?

The Devil's Summer

A tall, foreign stranger comes to town with his masked crew of bandits. They rob the train station and the bank, but the big one… he has his sights set on a different sort of prize: you.