Kyle "Gaz" Garrick Stories

These stories are listed in alphabetical order. If you find a broken link, please message me on Discord @californicationist. If you want to go back to the homepage, just click the cat.

Get Ratio'd

You and Kyle decide to switch phones to see how many messages you get on a dating app. When he realizes he's punching up, he offers you everything from spa dates to handbags to try and win over your favor, lest you think you could do better somewhere else.

Going Home (Spin-Off for "Gunslinger")

Gaz and Nova go home to his house for their leave from the 141, and after she makes a wager, he cashes in on her bet. Then, he ends up falling for her harder than he expected. Can he tame his independent woman, or is she too much of a free spirit?


You and Gaz had been assigned to stake out one of Makarov’s safe houses, tracking any movement in and any movement out. However, with the city under a sudden quarantine, your two day stint had turned into two weeks, and you and the sergeant had grown closer and closer.

The Missed Deadline

You and Kyle had a pact. Ever since you were teenagers, you pinky promised that if you were still virgins by the time you turned 21, you’d do it together. He’d gone off to war and lost his virginity immediately, but when he comes back to help his mum for the holiday, he learns that you still have yours, and you’re way past your deadline.